Saturday, October 18, 2014

Post-Grad Living

[an addendum to the accompanying post from today]

This fragment comes to us from June 10, 2014, though I'm publishing it 4 months later:

I graduated last weekend, and on most fronts I've ostensibly got it together: I have a job, and I bought a car, and I don't have any debt.
But I'm trying to figure out the purpose of these fleeting twenties, a third already having left.

I'd like to point out that while my diploma is still intact in an envelope somewhere at my parents' house, the other three things I had "together" are, humorously enough, not: I quit the job (before starting), sold the car (no need for one in NYC, baby!), and am... well, still not in debt, but not really saving any money since that's tricky to do on a volunteer's salary (read: less financially stable than I expected... see "job" above).  As for the purpose of my twenties, I'm realizing it's not different than any of the other decades: love God, love people, and fear not.

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