Tuesday, January 7, 2014


"Love God and do as you please. If you love Him, then you love holiness. What you please shouldn't present a problem."

-- N.D. Wilson, in his Notes from a Tilt-a-Whirl, describing St. Augustine's philosophy; I haven't read the book, but feel like I should now

Two brief additions:
1 - My prayer for this year, my senior year, has been that God would make me faithful in the small things.  It was such a blessing yesterday to hear from a friend that she sees that in me; it's one of those things that can be hard to see in oneself, so I'm grateful (anew) that God "seriously hears prayers in accordance to his will," as she said, and that she encouraged me in that way.  That's actually amazing.
2 - My prayer for this year, 2014, is to be fully satisfied in the Lord--that is, not looking for "outs" in other things, like rest in Yahoo! News or relaxation in watching the Food Network.  Nothing against those things, but... come on.  Jesus satisfies.  Full stop.

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