= so, so good.
So far, by the numbers, in exactly no order:
1 wonderful conversation with one of my lovely zees about calling, and consolation and desolation (I'm really into that), and discerning God's will when the sort of God you're talking to also literally sent a giant fish to eat a man and regurgitate him in the right place when we was intent on going to the wrong place.
3.5 pages of my nitration of vanillin and nitrovanillin lab report done.
6 CPR mannequins (plus bags of fake lungs, disinfected plastic mannequin faces, pocket masks, and all the other accouterments of CPR teaching) lugged around the campus center and properly stored after one long morning of teaching.
1 surprise paycheck that I forgot I had coming.
2 dear, godly friends with whom to share a blessed and relaxing weekend, and pray and laugh and talk about biblical womanhood. You both mean so, so much to me, more than I can write, so I pray that I can just live it.
3 chicken breasts poorly thawed but eventually cooked and served with what is really my culinary masterpiece up to this point in my life: alfredo sauce! Sort of, but it was quite experimental and thickened up nicely in some sort of roux-like fashion. My brothers would be proud (not only of the roux, but of my weekend of non-vegetarianism)!
7 text messages home trying to figure out if there's a way I qualify to not pay full price for the MCAT; that stuff is expensive! Still unclear, but at least I can try! Also, 2 incredible and patient parents who love me so fiercely and well and patiently, and who also help me out with things like taxes and making the MCAT cheaper and teaching me to fix blown fuses in cars.
150 pages of my print quota gone. Because readings and lab reports and presentations and problem sets and case studies all ought to be done to the glory of God.
2 houses of worship in which to celebrate God's goodness, find conviction, and praise God. Redeeming Eve at Epiphany, and Rejoicing Sacrifice at NCC! Amen, and thank you.
3 wonderful tromps in the slushy, sleety rain-ish precipitation. I secretly love it.
1 (but 3--no oneness theology up in here) awesome Onyame Okyankop)n Twereduamp)n Awurade Papa making it all happen.
Loved this post. Glad you know that despite my failings you know that I love you fiercely. True that!! Wish I could read twi...but I can imagine what Papa is!