Sunday, November 25, 2012

Don't Wear Filthy Rags!! (or, Everything Outside of Christ is Rubbish - sermon by Zac Poonen)


Thanks to my friend Lydia for sharing this with me; Wow, powerful stuff here!  Basic idea (but you should listen to it yourself): We are so quick to become indignant when God does not act like our business partner, to whom we give things in expectation of something else in return, but we fail to recognize that what we are trying to give God is based on our own merit, which is... worthless.  When we think like that, we're like people who have been given hundreds of thousands of dollars by a kind relative when dire straits befell us, and then ask the relative to pay us after doing a favor for him; or like people going to a wedding banquet who are offered free, new clothes to wear but  reject them because we think our clothes are better when in fact they are our ratty workout clothes.  So the bottom line is this: God does not owe us anything and is not impressed by our works, and that is why we pray in Jesus' name, not ours--because in Jesus' name, each of us takes on righteousness that is not ours and is set on equal footing with infant and mature Christians alike, whereas in our name and by our merit, we are not even worthy to come before God in the first place.  Thank you Jesus!  I'm excited for Advent :)

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